Our Ministries
Here you will find information on the many ministries Bethany Baptist Church provides. For a description, times and location please click on the name of the ministry in the menu to your left.
The word ministry means service. It is developing an understanding of your gifts and abilities, and applying them to do the work of the church. This gives our members, the congregation, an opportunity to pursue their calling. "Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift." II Corinthians 9:15 (KJV).
As such, we believe that each of us here at Bethany Baptist Church has been given specific Gifts of the Holy Spirit to do ministry as our obligation to edify the body of Christ. To the extent that each individual exercises those gifts we are strengthened to become the church for whom Jesus will return.
If you are a new member or attendee, and are interested in getting involved, we encourage you to pray about where your gifts and talents would best be used in serving our Lord through the various ministries here at Bethany Baptist Church.